Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Title: The Study of Hair-Bands in R3 Euclidean Space. An investigation into the plasmidal/plasmoidal/plasmic properties of hairbands.

I found a selection of shapes under the bed.

Two knots are equivalent if one can be transformed into the other via a deformation of R3, Euclidean space, upon itself. All hairbands are mathematically equivalent.


Schematic representation of a hairband knot

Describing a the structure of a hairband using scientific language

When a twist is introduced into the circle, it becomes different mathematically. The twist stores energy in the circle; the strand wants to relax but cannot because the ends are locked. The more twists, the more energy.

 Field study. The first 67 elastic bands that were found were recorded to study the forms and proportions of different shapes that are found naturally.